Originally Posted by Xerxys
The reason I call bullshit to all this is because of this ...
The purpose of humanity is to understand everything. EVERYTHING. Objects that cannot be understood serve every purpose in hindering us from achieving enlightenment.
Not true. The person understands what he or she wants to understand and tosses the rest. Are you an astrophysicist? You could be. Are you a genius-level mathematician? You could be. What defines a jack of all trades? Knowledge in all but master of none. The point is, you take what you want and don't bother with the rest. I don't know programming, but I know the shit out of computer hardware. I would like to program, it's not boring to me, but I just don't feel like trying to figure it out. I don't think that way.

No I'm just kidding, but seriously that's not the way we work as a species, or we would all be einstein/mozart/jesus all rolled into one.
Originally Posted by Lasereth
I just can't get past this part. Do people seriously eat this shit up? I guess they do because that's why the show is on TV. The TV show isn't on to show ghosts or to show supernatural events...it's to make money. It's not a documentary, it's entertainment, and nothing on the show can be believed because of that. If this show were real then scientists and researchers would be all over the grounds that they've visited.
I am getting a vibe of "you can only experience these events if you want to." I think this is the dagger in the heart of such arguments. I really enjoy debating stuff like this with "believers" and trying to debunk supernatural or spiritual events, but I am very curious as to what you and others are actually experiencing. I wish there was a way to see what you see, to experience what you experience. I know that you wouldn't make up bullshit out of thin air, but I also know that a creative mind can go a long way. If you want to see or experience something bad enough then chances are it will happen in your lifetime if you get my meaning.
Don't get that vibe. People are shocked into believing in a spiritual realm every day, around the world. If the event is strong enough, you'll get it. No one is immune, it's just a matter of whether some spirit/cosmic force/whatever wants you to know strongly enough to snap you awake.
I mentioned the ghosthunters vid only because that is exactly what I saw last night. I don't care what the motive is, the vid was real. Good for them if they make a living off of it. I applaud them. I have no reason to make this up, in fact I wondered to myself whether it was worth bringing up at all. I wish I could show you, but I am not going to put cameras around my house to try to prove it. I'm not out to prove anything, and I personally don't care if a person believes or not. It's my truth, and I can happily walk around the world with a smile on my face, keeping it to myself. I do like to talk about with others that see this, too though. I'm not trying to be elitist or something, it's just that, for me, everyone will know one day. There are many truths beyond this that I do not know. You and I will both know these truths one day. I am 100% sure at this point that we do not blink out of existence, but what really happens is anyone's guess. Maybe it doesn't even happen the same for every person. Maybe a southern baptist really does go to his or her own hell. Maybe a hinduist really does reincarnate repeatedly. Who knows. No one here, that's who.
I agree with the creative mind. I have had times when I KNEW what I saw was not real, or I was making up things and trying to see patterns, like seeing a face in a wooden door. But there have been times when I knew, without a doubt, that it was real. The woman I heard all the time when I was a child, that was real. The screaming thing that my friend and I heard, that was
very real. The invisible force that moved plants in the woods right in front of 3 of us, that was obviously real as well. I have no desire to make that up, it was real, period. I have questioned it in the past, almost felt like maybe God wasn't even real, but then something happens that makes me go "oh shit!" and I'm back in this mysterious reality with no answers to satisfy my own curiosity.
If you're really interested, seek. It'll come to you. Your hair will stand up and you'll have an "oh shit!" moment, then you'll get it.