I've never had much concern for ethics when it comes to companies I feel rip people off.
There's many ways you could look at it. If you were to try and add up what you've given (in money) to Apple over all those years of loyalty, you could feel like you deserve the right to put Mac OS on any damn machine you want.
Or you could say you've already bought Mac OS X, for a different machine, maybe you feel like you should be able to run it on your own custom rig.
I don't know what to tell you. The problem is theirs, and shouldn't be yours. They do everything in the world so that every penny you spend on tech, you pay it to them(non removable batteries, proprietary hardware for everything, can't buy OS without their machines, iTunes flaws, etc etc etc).
They have many aspects down in terms of what tech-lovers like, except for freedom, which is key.