N Korea apparently has some form of nuclear weapon. What form, to the best of my knowledge is unknown. Has the weapon been completed and does it work? I don't think anyone knows. Do they have a delivery system that is capable of delivering such a weapon? They have very limited ability in this area - they possess missiles. They have limited range and a guidance system on a par with the catapult or a mortar - they have to basically aim it with direction, elevation, and a guess at its range. Are they really a threat? Sure they're a threat. They are a threat to those they can reach out and touch. S Korea, Japan, China, perhaps Russia, and perhaps Alaska. In all reality, does this make them a more serious threat than was Iraq? Only if they export their technology to someone else. Iraq was considered a more ominous threat because of their willingness to deal with other terrorist states and to deal out right with terrorists and their organizations. Should we go deal with N Korea? It is a terrible situation when a government chooses to sacrifice its own people to attain its political or economic aims. But! do those of you who are indicating that we, the US, on our own, with no support from international organization, with no authorization, just go into Korea and physically overthrow their government? Cause a regime change? Does this sound familiar?
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!