Originally Posted by vanblah
Actually, we should all adjust our lives based on everything around us all the time.
A crying child is rarely doing so on a whim. Children are not adults and should not be expected to behave like an adult. I think it's really amazing that people expect a young child (especially a two-year-old) to learn behavior in one lesson. It takes months or years to learn that throwing a tantrum is not acceptable. Sometimes, it's never learned ... I've seen adults behaving as bad, if not worse, in public than my child ever did--and she threw some fits, let me tell you.
Let me pose the scenario this way:
The child was frustrated--either because it didn't get something it wanted; it was hungry; or it was uncomfortable. The child vented its frustration by crying/throwing a fit. A rather annoying but ultimately benign action.
The old guy was also frustrated--we are led by the article to believe he was frustrated by the crying child. The old guy vented his frustration by striking another human being; a defenseless human being at that.
Which is more acceptable?
You are Awesome! Ive been reading this thread since it started and I have to say that your post is by far the best.
Now before I had children I used to look at the parents of crying children thinking " what is wrong with those kids, why don't the parents teach them not to do that". But now I understand. I have never dealt with my kids freaking out in a store, but I usually go shopping after my husband comes home so I can go alone. There was a time when Abby had an ear infection and right after her doctors appointment I had to go to the store to get her meds. I went in to pick them up and she was balling. An old lady in line at the pharmacy told me that I need to do something about my daughter. What the hell! My daughter was in pain and only one. What do people expect from parents? Its not always easy to get your kids to stop crying, especially when they are too young to understand that there crying is bothering people.