Originally posted by YourNeverThere
strange, people get way to pissed off at things, just let it go...
This is something that I've noticed within the past few years myself. People get so angry over the slightest little irritation. "Fill In The Blank" Rage is becoming so commonplace that we tend to shrug it off. Why are people letting themselves get so worked up in the first place? My wife came up with an interesting theory a few months back. People no longer have time to "decompress", to just simply relax and be with your own thoughts. We have cell phones, Fed-Ex, fax machines, lap tops, pagers, call waiting, call forwarding and the list goes on. We are constantly on the go go go. It builds up. In this case, however, we have a 20 year old, that was simply never taught how to focus and channel his frustration or anger in a more acceptable manner. Said moron, simply got caught lashing out. Or...I could be fulla beans too.
I do commend Sizzler for picking up the tab for the damages though. Wasn't their fault. Good P.R. for them. Or, does it set a bad precedent whereby an employer is held accountable for an employees actions on or off duty.