Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
If you are referring to Beck and Hannity, neither of them believe Obama is NOT a U.S. citizen. For you to say here that they believe that is as irresponsible as the point you are trying to make about them. If you mean your friends, then yes your friends are scary. Obama is a U.S. citizen, anyone who says otherwise placed charges in tower seven.
I will just say this, I meant that they are taking what was said in the past (I am fairly certain Sean Hannity had a special about Obama's birth certificate saying it was lies back before the election even if he never believed it) and are still sticking to that shtick even if they disagree with the birthers now. I know Sean Hannity had a special about Obama being a secret Muslim and people still cling to that. The youtube video I have was taken down for 'copyright reasons' but I can find another if you want.
Sorry dc, /threadjack.
About the Census, I don't understand how people can contort the Census into something like this. It just comes off as scary that a certain few people can inspire so much fear in select groups that they can make a Census into something evil.