Originally Posted by powerclown
My question: Have you seen the Tarantino film "Inglorious Basterds" which deals with a 'jewish revenge fantasy' against the nazis and if so, what did you think of it? (I thought it stunk.)
I haven't seen it yet. I plan to, because with the exception of "Grindhouse," I love Tarantino movies, but I am not putting any stock into his story. IMO, you don't go to see Tarantino for plot, you go see Tarantino for snappy lines, stylish camera work, and ultra-violence. I never expect anything more.
As for a "Jewish revenge fantasy" rewriting history...I don't know that any such fantasy would or could help assuage the memory of the real events, but I also think that at worst it's...silly. My attitude, I guess, is...whatever.