Originally Posted by yournamehere
Right. Because we should all have to adjust our lives to accommodate the whims of every child.
That's certainly a great lesson to be teaching a kid.
Not that I condone the slapping of a stranger's child, but I probably would have said something to the parent if it was that annoying.
Actually, we should all adjust our lives based on everything around us all the time.
A crying child is rarely doing so on a whim. Children are not adults and should not be expected to behave like an adult. I think it's really amazing that people expect a young child (especially a two-year-old) to learn behavior in one lesson. It takes months or years to learn that throwing a tantrum is not acceptable. Sometimes, it's never learned ... I've seen adults behaving as bad, if not worse, in public than my child ever did--and she threw some fits, let me tell you.
Let me pose the scenario this way:
The child was frustrated--either because it didn't get something it wanted; it was hungry; or it was uncomfortable. The child vented its frustration by crying/throwing a fit. A rather annoying but ultimately benign action.
The old guy was also frustrated--we are led by the article to believe he was frustrated by the crying child. The old guy vented his frustration
by striking another human being; a defenseless human being at that.
Which is more acceptable?