I can only talk about orthodox view, how I was raised.
There is a part in the talmud that talks about someone who died (a big Rabbi to keep it simple), and came back, his father asked him what did you see and he replied "what was up was down and what was down was up."
To expound on it is this those some who were 'righteous' were not and some who were thought to be sinners was righteous. And to expound a little basically people are not judged by G-d on their action, but their actions based on their situation. Who am I to say if I was in someone else shoes how well I would do, and if that person was given my opportunities.
If you were to ask me on practice of a group overall, I do think that you have to keep kosher, but if you do or do not that is your choice. Do I feel on shabbos you can not turn off lights, drive to synagogue, cook, etc... I do, but again if you do or do not that is your choice. I will give a law, for instance that some 'sect' how you define say it is acceptable, but Orthodox will point out and quote it from the Torah "Homosexuality is an abomination", I do not take that as a fluid thing, it is written in ink and parchment. Again you can do as you wish it is not our place to judge, but I can never say on the topic that I agree with people who say it is allowed.