Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Apportionment in the Constitution and dealing with the census is speaking to apportioning the seats in the House of Representatives in Congress based on the populations in defined areas. It is not referring to apportioning federal funds in entitlement programs based on need.....
Actually there are very few federal entitlement programs, although they do represent the big ticket budget items - social security, medicare/medicaid, veterans payments, food stamps, etc.
Beyond the primary purpose of apportioning Congressional representation, the census is most often used for the apportioning federal funds for for categorical or block grants to state and local governments and other such programs....programs that return federal tax dollars back to local communities.
---------- Post added at 05:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------
But its not worth continuing another one of those endless discussions on constitutionality.
I'm with Madison, who as president, signd the bill into law that authorized the census to be used for other purposes for the betterment of the country (as noted above in the 1810 report on data on "arts and manufactures")...nothing to do with apportionment or taxes
On a lighter note, does Christopher Walken sound like a Libertarian in this SNL skit?
Lighten up, guys. Nothing personal, but dont take yourselves so seriously.