Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Apportionment in the Constitution and dealing with the census is speaking to apportioning the seats in the House of Representatives in Congress based on the populations in defined areas. It is not referring to apportioning federal funds in entitlement programs based on need. Although, many liberals/socialists/statists believe that is what it means. Believe it or not, there weren't any federal entitlement programs at the time the Constitution was written, voted on, and ratified. Back then, people turned to their family, friends, church and community to solve individual problems. The framers would not have even conceived of giving federal funds to Fred when he lost his job at the blacksmith shop in Roanoke. Shocker.
That's a little disingenuous.
The federal government always spent money - the priorities have changed, but so has everything else. Certainly there was no unemployment assistance in the thirteen colonies, but I have never seen it suggested that apportionment only means "of congressional seats".
Social spending is not the only spending - there is military, infrastructure, policing, border control; hundreds of other things.
Look at it in this way - if a state is shown to have many more illegal immigrants than another, maybe it needs more spending on INS and border protection. Just a thought.