Originally Posted by Strange Famous
1 - My view is that there are no existing communist states in modern history: that Russia and the Russian empire was not properly a communist state, but in fact a kind of state feudalism
The same can be said about capitalism. All states are more or less mixed economies. Some more capitalist, others more communist (well, socialist, really). It is my idea that communism seeks to have government control all means of production, while socialism seeks to control major aspects of production, while relinquishing much of the minor means to the public. Capitalism seeks a completely free market where individuals have power over production and property. The thing to remember is that these are economic systems, not government or moral systems per se. This is why mixed economies come about
: the picture is muddied by the public's demand for government to protect the people.
That said, are you willing to accept that a mixed economy is the only feasible mode for a nation's economy to be run? If a purely communist economy is only a very temporary measure, does this not mean socialism (or a socialist-heavy mixed economy) is the way to go?
They cannot be reconciled in my opinion. Capitalism is a flawed and self destructive system of economy and the management of resources. Even in the greatest superpower of the some people do not have housing, do not have access to health care, do not even have enough to eat. By human standards we have no possibility but to judge a system that produces this affect in even the most powerful and wealthy state as utterly failed.
Both economic systems are flawed. This is why they
must be reconciled. Again, with the mixed economies: Is there a mixed economy that exists today that you view as the best model so far to fulfill what you see as an ideal means for organizing a nation's economy?