Originally Posted by ametc
I see random spirits.. there are a LOT of wandering spirits. I see some of them but not all. I'm guessing some have more energy than others to be seen, but I'm really not sure why some show themselves to me and others don't. My spirit guides tell me a lot of useless things spontaneously.. but for things like that they tell me right away and pretty clearly. But, for some things, like things concerning my depression, they either don't tell me anything to help me.. or I can't hear them. So, when my friend tried to kill herself, I had this sudden urge to call her. but, when I tried to kill myself... I heard and felt nothing.
THANK YOU. I seriously sometimes wondered if I was going crazy. I knew better, but damn. Yes, I've explained to my wife what I perceive as the same; wandering spirits "just passing through", as i often put it. They don't stick around but they do definitely cruise by, sometimes interacting with me, more often not. I see them at least once a week, and typically ignore them.
There was a man that seemed to be hanging around the house shortly after we moved in. My wife saw him on the stairs in shorts one time, like he was going to go jog or something. I felt him from time to time and tried to have dialog with him via a headset/mic, but nothing came of it. I set up the mic for a few nights and heard papers moving in an unoccupied room (this one) at night. I quit recording because I was afraid I might be shooting up a flare for others. After that he went away, I think. He's definitely not as present as he was before.
I hear very little now. I get the thoughts, but never the audible words. I filter a great deal and like I said before, either the TV is on or it's off. I suppose one that can be heard by all can be heard by me, but it's nothing like when I was a child. I'm glad too, because I would have a hard time with my "private time" if I was being bombarded by voices. Which by the way, I have had visits in the shower and such. I get real irritated when that happens and tell them to leave out loud and very forcefully. I get angry enough to fight, haha.
Like being overtly psychic, those seemingly telepathic moments are fleeting. I had several when I was meditating on it for months, always at the back of my mind. Other than that, I get impressions. I know if someone is upset, horny, etc, but nothing really coherent. Maybe that's empathy, but I don't differentiate.
I'm just glad someone else has these experiences. Ugh.