You know, at least when Angel got to be somewhat tiresome as a no-fun having do-gooder on Buffy and Angel, all the other characters would make fun of him for it. Nobody in True Blood seems to get how fucking dull Bill is. I mean Jason spent the season as a brainwashed Christian warrior and has morphed into a zombie killer armed to the teeth. Maryanne is a batshit crazy goddess of chaos. Eric flies now for some reason. Even Godric's clothes are so badass they couldn't be damaged by an explosion. Evan Rachel Wood's queen is like something from John Waters' wet dreams. Pretty much all the other townsfolk are having nonstop orgies. They are all a thousand times more interesting than Bill!
...actually, come to think of it, almost all the original main characters are just boring as fuck. Who cares about Sam at all? Or Tara and her boyfriend-with-the-worst-name-ever? Sookie and Bill have gotten so massively dull that on the street now I'm overhearing people joking about their "Sooooookie!" "Bill!" "Soooooookie!" dialogue.
I predict that by season 4 every episode will be people killing each other with mystical chainsaws and drinking blood and having crazy bisexual orgies with utterly no plot.
"You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say 'goats.'"