Originally Posted by Lasereth
I don't think there's any atheists who aren't interested in an afterlife. I mean come on, a never ending party of awesomeness? Just because you want something doesn't mean you can just start believing in something to get it. If it worked that way then everyone would have won the lottery.
The reason atheists don't believe in higher beings is because there is no evidence. Not because they want to be anti-mainstream, not because they hate religious people, but because there is simply no fucking evidence whatsoever. If a god came down to Earth one day and stood there before everyone and said, do this and that, follow this book and you will be orgasming for all eternity in my house, you better believe that every atheist in the whole world would be instantly religious.
The problem is that Christianity began thousands of years ago when people believed in magic and sorcerers and shit like that. You were killed if you were gay. Science was so infantile at this stage that the only way to explain and understand the world was to make shit up to make people feel better. It's ok that Jebediah died after eating rotten meat, he's going to heaven. Now we know why rotten meat is dangerous and we avoid it.
The only time humanity turns to religion is when they don't understand something. Look at the most famous scientists in history: they are atheists their whole lives until they can't figure out something. Then they say it must be a higher power. Then 50 or 100 years later, the problem they were stumped on is solved...by humans.
Quoted for fuckin' Genius!
I mean the bible is especially crafted to target those with self esteem issues. It says, if you don't believe in Heysus your a fool. By default, all Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and especially Atheists are fuckin idiots who are just asking to go to hell!