I have a Sigma Unicorn Metal Storm case, The name is ridiculous but I like it.
longer review:
Sigma Unicorn Mid-Tower ATX Case | Modders-Inc.com | Case Mods and Computer Hardware Reviews
I like the style. It's sleak but not as overpowering as some of the other cases I've owned and it has good airflow so all my requirements are filled. All my problems with the case seem to revolve around the door panel. It doesn't latch closed, It's held shut by two of the weakest magnets in existence. Not that I'd want a more power magnet attached to my case. The power button is also on TOP of the door panel. This leads to a lot of accidental pushing as you try to open the door. You can't use the USB or headphone/mic jacks in front of the computer while the door is closed. Also, the power light paints a blue bullseye on my ceiling.