As for a bear charging you from less than 150 ft. your dead if you try to make a head shot.
Yuppers. That's why professional guides practice every day, with rifles that kick like horses and cost $5.00 per round and up; so that they -can- make those kinds of shots. Anybody else...well, you might get lucky, but unless you've taken your stomper out and done 20rds/day practice with it for a loong time, a head-shot on a charging bear will be next to impossible, esp. under stress.
A good Bear spray and a 7.62x54 rifle is all you need.
I dunno...7.62x54R is identical to .30-06 ballistically, which'll certainly kill a bear with proper shot placement (behind the shoulder quartering-away, under the collarbones quartering-towards), but is hardly what I'd be after as a
charge stopper, where you need Papa Bear dead (or at least wishing he was) RIGHTNOW. Two different sets of requirements there. For dealing with a Grizz at close quarters, I'd want the meanest/nastiest/mother-stabbinest/father-rapinest rifle or heavy revolver I could effectively shoot.