it's been said that a mild case of seasickness is when you feel like you want to die. A severe case of seasickness is when you are afraid that you might live!
As for getting over it, i really can't say. Of the two people I know who are chronically seasick, 1 left the sea, and the other sort of got used to it, but was never really comfortable there. You may just have to be out there for a few days until your body adjusts. Next time you've got a vacation coming up, head down to Alcantara docks and look for a crewing position on a yacht heading for Madeira. It's only a 3-4 day sail, and that should be enough time to get over it. Check out some yacht stores in the area for the accupressure bands (I know some people who swear by them).
I'm not usually homesick (I've always been a 'wherever I lay my hat is my home' kind of guy) - I lived in Gaia for 3 years without seeing any of my family without trouble. But sailors are a weird bunch: When we are at sea, we want to be home. When we are at home, we want to be at sea. But now that I've met the woman of my dreams, I really want to be close to her at all times, so I'm looking for work that keeps me closer to home.
Piracy isn't a problem now for me on the Great Lakes, but when I was on the Picton Castle, we sailed through the Timor Sea and it was a bit of a worry for us; We had pirate drills and practiced what we would do if boarded. Our fears were allayed somewhat when a National Geographic photographer that we had on board spoke up and said that he had been in these waters the year before doing an article on the pirates, and if anything happened, he would speak to the pirates on our behalf, he knew them all personally!
I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
- Job 30:29
1123, 6536, 5321