As someone who is becoming a Rabbi and engaged to a Rabbi, perhaps you could give me some advice?
I am in my mid-20s and Jewish by birth. I have always identified strongly with Judaism. However, my mother is a non-observant Jew and not the one that instilled me with this sense of identity. I never went to Hebrew school, was never Bat Mitzvah'd, and only brought to a temple (an Orthodox one...very strange to me at the time) as a young child.
I have been curious to get more involved in the spiritual side of Judaism for some years now, but it is scary to me, as someone so ignorant of the prayers, songs, traditions, and the Hebrew language. I once tried to attend a Conservative temple for a few months with a friend of mine but if anything, it actually made me feel more alienated.
How would you advise someone like me? What's a good place to start? I have several books on Judaism, know ABOUT many holidays, customs, history, belief...but going in, praying, being part of a congregation? Adding belief and traditional values to my own, thoroughly modern life? Gah. Do you know anyone who has done this?