In responce
A weapon is only as good as it owner. With that being said, Pepper sprays, Hand guns and even Cattle prods will not save you from a bear if you do not know how to properly use them. Take the time to learn about the weapon that you choose. Take the proper training courses. Learn the FACTS about events that happend like the one that you mentioned. Never take hearsay as the gospel, no matter who it's from. As for the matter that was mentioned about Guns in populated areas, Since man has walked this earth there has been bloodshead. Strange Famous, You said, "But ANY time you're in range of a wild bear he is a threat. Any human being isnt a threat in the same sense." You are very mistaken my friend. A bear is only protecting it's self and it's kind. Humans on the other hand need little to no reason to kill you. Bears unlike in HollyWood are passive aggressive, they do not want to confront you no more than you do them. Humans will confront you no matter what. You also stated, " In society the law protects me (or at least aims to)" OR AT LEAST AIMS TO, is all to ture. YOU ARE THE PROTECTOR OF YOUR FAMILY NOT YOUR GOVERMENT. In a break in by the time the cops are called and get there 15 to 25 minets have passed. That is enough for the person to kill your whole family and leave befor the cops ever get to your home. A gun is no diffrent than car, they both have to have a human in control of them in order for the to work. Facts are all that matter. So insted of listening to the news and takeing their word for what happens in your little world, GET COLD HARD FACTS. Good Luck and GodSpeed....