Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Definitely Bret Easton Ellis. I have yet to read a book of his I don't like. I've been reading them in order. While they're not really a series, they do relate to one another tangentially. The first book he came out with was Less Than Zero (it's NOT like the movie at all), which was great, but I enjoyed his second book, Rules of Attraction, even more (that one is also not like the movie). Of course, his third book, American Psycho, is just awesome (and the movie is also more faithful to the book, if you enjoyed that one). And, of course, the list goes on. If you like Chuck Palahniuk, you should really check him out.
QFT my friend; QF-fucking-T. Also check out his collection of short stories (that plays out in novel form - 'The Informers')
Try out Douglas Coupland. Great canadian novelist who wrote 'Generation X'. All of his stuff is kind of dry and out there. I'd recommend: 'Hey Nostradomous', 'Eleanor Rigby', and 'All Families Are Psychotic'.
There's always Kurt Vonnegut. Great Dystopian voice put to normalcy. Plays a lot with patriotism and social obligations. I'd recommend: 'Bluebeard', 'Slaughter House 5'.
- J.D. Salinger's 'Catcher In The Rye'
- Thomas Pynchon's 'Gravity's Rainbow'
- Chuck Klosterman's 'Sex, Drugs, and Coca Puffs'
- James Fry's 'Bright Shiny Morning'
Anything by Cormac McCarthy. Especially 'The Road', 'No Country For Old Men', and 'The Blood Meridian'.