Originally Posted by Derwood
Impossible to police. Liberals/Democrats got slammed for giving money to the poor to buy school supplies because some who received the funds went and bought video games and stuff instead. How do you guarantee that people will spend the money on insurance? And in the grand scheme of things, $5000 is a drop in the bucket over a lifetime of insurance premiums that double every 7 years
I imagine they can make you show receipts when you file your taxes to prove you spent it on insurance. I wonder how far $5000 will go once they impose the new insurance reforms. If the average family plan is about $1400 per month now I imagine it will go up to about $1800 or $2000 per month. (just pulled these numbers out of my hat) $5000 per year will take care of about $400 of that monthly premium. Like you said insurance premiums (and I surmise also health care costs) are doubling every 7 years so I guess the $5000 would have to double also.