ace, I would start with the fact that your underlying premise is wrong.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
No. The issue to me is much more complex than that. I think the starting point of the problem was with Obama not proposing a specific plan for Congress to act on. Given his campaign I would have expected clarity from him - for some reason he chose to be vague and ambiguous regarding what he wants and what he would sign as President. And that is just the starting point in my mind.
Presidents dont offer specific legislative proposals...that is the role of Congress.
Presidents offer frameworks and goals/objectives and I think Obama has been clear on his broad goals for health care reform....then attempts to shape the details through the bully pulpit, consultations with lawmakers and other means.
Clinton's greatest failing with his early health care reform proposal was he ignored this fact and he had little Congressional support from the start because he attempted to do it all himself and shove his plan down the throat of Congress.