Consider me a skeptic
Ok, sorry to be a bringdown, folks, but I have to say "BS" to iwst99's post regarding "Tango." I am guessing his or his partner's acquaintance with Jim English has colored their reporting.
Based almost entirely on the forum post above, as well as a little Web research, I tried Tango the other day and the results were far less dramatic than his post would lead you to believe.
I am in my late 40s, in good health, not really in need of an "enhancement" product but curious about what a little pick-me-up might do. I have not tried any prescription medications, or other non-prescription products because from what I have read all the non-prescription stuff is fake. I have some potential heart issues so anything with yohimbe is a non-starter. But the above was pretty compelling so I bought a bottle of Tango online to see what might happen.
I took two capsules on a relatively full stomach - which might have slowed the response a little, I admit - and the result was a slight feeling of overall warmth, but not much at all in the loins region. Had normal sex with the wife, which is never disappointing so don't get me wrong - it was a wonderful evening. But it would have been just as wonderful without Tango.
I did feel like my recovery was a little better than normal. About 15 minutes afterward I could have gone for another round, and that is not always the case. Normally it is only on vacation and after I have had a ridiculously long night's sleep that I am up for a twofer. So there is that. But if you are looking for something to help in the erection department, don't expect Tango to bring any miracles.