To me the statement you made on the machine, and thereby implying infinite time, is like trying to make the sky green because you want it to be so.
If you want to make your own reality, the conversation quickly loses interest (for me). I'm trying to go by what documentaries and such have discussed, not choose-your-own-adventure. That's just my take on the topic. If you want to go random on me, that's fine. I just lose interest
The symbol for infinity has no beginning and no end.
That is the definition of infinity I am talking about. Not a line with a starting point. "∞" has no starting point. If you start somewhere, anywhere, you have lost infinity.
To me, the only thing that might have an infinite definition in this universe is gravity and other universal/molecular forces. Gravity brings about the crushing of the universe. Presumably, it is back when the big bang happens again. It can't be tested or proven, but logic dictates that it remains. Otherwise how could the big bang have occurred?
Not to nag, but I have 3 hours of free time a day, and 4 if I lose sleep. I don't want to spend it researching a given topic when I could be looking at porn or something.