Originally Posted by Prince
Comparing one idiotic notion to another.
Circumcision does not prevent contracting HIV. That's no less retarded a reason to butcher one's child's genitalia than religion or "because everyone else does it."
Facts are facts. Pretending they don't exist because you find them unpleasant is foolish.
Currently, there are multiple (at least 31, if you trust the CDC) studies of various design which support the assertion that increases in circumcision rates are associated with a decrease in HIV transmission rates. 3 of these studies were randomized controlled clinical trials. Suitably sized randomized controlled clinical trials are the bees fucking knees when it comes to epidemiological standards of evidence. Apparently, these studies showed that circumcision was so effective at reducing transmission rates (50-60%) that the folks running them stopped midway through after having decided that it would be unethical to continue them.
Credible evidence suggests that circumcision can have an affect on HIV transmission rates. This doesn't mean that circumcision is an appropriate replacement for a condom. What it does mean is that less condom-inclined populations would benefit, HIV-wise, from having all their little fellas snipped.