Originally Posted by dc_dux
Screaming "socialism" and "death panels pulling the plug on granny" or "government control of our medical decisions in a Hitlerite fashion" should be an embarrassment to anyone interested in an honest and open dialogue on the issue.
Again, I calmly point to concerns I have as they, for example relate to "death panels" in the context of how government will allocate limited health care resources.
I say that I agree that the use of the words "death panel" is wrong, but that there is an underlying concern. The responses has consistently been a reference to end of life counseling which is not the point.
No one gives a direct and simple response to the concern. I perceive there is deception.
My voice grows louder.
I am told that oh, health care insurers are already rationing health care and they are evil. I say I don't want to trade one set of bureaucrats for another. I say at least in the private sector I have a choice and I have legal recourse. My point goes ignored.
My voice grows louder.
I am told billions will be saved in medicare to help pay for health care reform. I ask how they can save that money without reducing services (pulling the plug on grandma). I am told to just trust us. I say I don't trust the folks in Washington.
My voice grows louder.
I am told doing what Obama wants is the only way to fix the problem. I say medicare is going bankrupt, while those in the private sector are economically sound as they are required to be. I say I am concerned about an unfair competitive advantage for a government plan, that would lead to the demise of private options. I am told oh, that won't happen.
My voice grows louder.
In between all of that, I am subject to personal attacks, I am told my admitted emotional respose is grounded in "circular logic" not worthy of response, I am told I am racist, I am told I am a troll, etc, etc, etc.
My voice grows louder.
The pattern continues.
I explain the pattern and explain why I think people are acting the way they are. I even offer a suggestion that our law makers forget about town hall meetings and go back to Washington a present a single unified plan. I suggest that Obama lead on the issue.
The American people should not be embarrassed. The people letting there true feeling be known should not be embarrassed. the only people who should be embarrassed are those who have presented half assed plans and ideas to the American people. This is too big an issue for the vacuum of information, for the vacuum of leadership.