Well the problem is I'm not planning on leaving him, I'm in for the long haul and would put any money from the sale straight back into a property we buy shared, however with the bathroom in such a state it simply will put buyers off.
I guess I'm thinking what a lot of these guys are saying, I feel it's ours, by law we haved loved here together so long half of it is his although it's in my name, he feels it's mine and I look at that as very worrying...is this the guy of person who will always keep things to himself and not share responsibilities?
I would also say that I offered to put it half in his name,without expecting anything from him and he said he would rather wait until we chose a place together.
"We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give"
Winston Churchill
Last edited by katyg; 08-26-2009 at 09:41 AM..