Originally Posted by rahl
Now just hang on a second. I'm not trying to deflect anything, I had no idea what race-baiting meant so I asked. I then wanted to point out that when a white guy does it he's a raacist, but when a person of color does it he's a champion...well Bull shit. I understand this particular thread is about Beck and his racist comments. I'm just pointing out that no one of color gets called on the same thing
They were called on it in this very thread. Don't strawman. Remember this?
Originally Posted by Willravel
Edit: actually, I remember a specific case. Remember Tawana Brawley? Back in the late 80s, a 15-year old black girl named Tawana Brawley accused a group of white men of raping her, and then defecated on her as they yelled out racial slurs. Al Sharpton got involved in defending her/championing her story and he basically lost his mind. He started making Godwins left and right and he even accused a prosecutor of raping the girl, without evidence. It was a perfect storm of race baiting.
But this thread isn't about black people being called on anything, this is about Glenn Beck race-baiting, which is incredibly irresponsible and is directly responsible for this campaign against him. Now that I posted what race-baiting is, you understand Beck is guilty of race-baiting, right?