Originally Posted by Fotzlid
I was chewing on plastic coffee stirrers for about 3 months till the taste of plastic started to gag me.
Last time I quit I did this. For me, it's all about the oral fixation. I need something to have in my hands and put in my mouth. Stirry straws helped ALOT and after 2 weeks I didn't need them anymore. I've never felt that I was addicted to cigs (even when I got up to a pack and a half a day), more just smoking all together. Right now, I haven't smoked in almost a year, but I do smoke cigars when I drink. Sometimes that's everyday, but this weekend proved I was ok with that. I drank all weekend and never smoked one cigar.
Also, when I was at parties was the worst for quitting smoking. During a quitting period I went to a party with a sneak-a-toke. A one hit pipe (for the good stuff) that looked like a cig. I carried that around and when the need to smoke hit me really hard, I'll pack it up and take a toke. The placebo effect helped get me through the night.
Good Luck Woods, it's fucking hard to do.