When I quit last year I went thru a program with the American Cancer Society (it was free thru work) Their way of doing things REALLY helped both me and Dave. The day I called to set up, they had me set a quit date at least 2 weeks out. During that two weeks this is what we had to do
(we were both two pack a dayers and between the time I got up at 430 til I got to work at 630 I'd already had 6)
Each day cut out one smoke, our goal was to be at 15 smokes a day on our quit day
changes brands to a generic, we went from Marlboro lights to Doral lights
we also had things we had to plan for..mental stuff, what would we do if we got stressed, what would we do while on the PC (that was my biggest thing at home). What did we plan to do about being more hungry? Make sure to wash and get rid of all ashtrays, matches and lighters AND cigs, dont stash any away. They sent us workbooks full of that kind of planning.
We didnt use nicroette, neither of use really enjoys gum. They provided us with 6 weeks of nicotine lozenges (each of us) for free. I can say that the biggest help we had was the first 2 things I said, Our quit day was Aug 15th of last year and we were both down to 10 smokes a day by then, and it was really easy to cut those 10 out cold turkey with the lozenges. We had both already cut out the first thing in the morning ones, and smoking in our cars.
Some people can do cold turkey...we knew we couldnt. Im one of those that smoked thru 3 bouts of double pneumonia lol
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!