I used the Nicorette Inhaler when I quit
NICORETTE® Inhaler ? Stop smoking with NICORETTE® nicotine inhaler
and it really really helped. The nice thing I found about the inhaler was it still gave me the hand to mouth action thats part of the addiction to cigarettes so instead of trying to break both habits I broke the one habit first then the other.
I actually stopped using the nicotine cartridges for the inhaler after about a week and just used the empty inhaler to get that hand to mouth action.
One word of warning though, the nicotine you inhale from the cartridge tastes like ass. I wish someone had warned me about this lol.
Good luck if you do try to quit. A couple other things. Get help. Believe me your non-smoking friends will probably gladly help you quit. Ask your smoking friends to not mention it/smoke around you for a little while.
**EDIT** One more thing, and I can't believe I forgot this. When you quit, if you slip up and let yourself have a cigarette DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT. I'm sure you know quitting is hard, slipping doesn't mean failing. The important thing is if you slip and have one, don't have another.
Also remember for most people Day 3 is the hardest day of all. Focus on getting past day one, then day two, then past Day 3 and know that it starts to get easier after that.