Hey all
I'm new to this forum and am searching for some advice, so any replies will be much appreciated.
I think that my 2yr marriage is over, and it's my fault- I don't respect my wife anymore and I'm just not happy.
She hasn't cheated or anything like that, i'll explain in brief.
I came to the USA from the UK 2 yrs ago to marry the girl i was in a long distance relationship with for 3 yrs. I thought that it was taking a chance, since we had in total spent around 1 year of full on time together.
It was great for around a year, but when she graduated school in December, she really has no motivation to do much positive stuff.
I have been working my butt off since I got here, i am enrolled in school for an AAS whilst studying in my free time, and working full time. She hasn't once gotten off her behind to get any kind of job, and instead got hooked on playing World of Warcraft for around 15 hrs a day.
This was around 6-8 months ago.
At first I was ok with it, but we've had around 4 or 5 major "talks" about her doing something to assist us both and it never changes.
My perception has now changed, and I have emotionally detached myself. We don't have sex, we don't kiss or cuddle and I think it's down to the fact that I no longer respect her. In fact, physical contact is something i don't think about-like she's a friend now.
I am not mean, not abusive, i provide well for us but i think i've simply had enough of having to "school" her. We're both 28yrs old btw, so I didn't expect to have to teach her the ways of the world.
can anyone help me figure out what the best course of action is?
We have no kids, and i guess i'm feeling like "if i cant see us together in 5 yrs, end it now and start afresh".
any advice/comments would be much appreciated.
thanks all