Originally Posted by scout
Might as well give up Ace. Obama, like Bush, is shitting in their oatmeal the only difference is Obama's tastes better because he has a {D} after his name.
Deficits under Bush= the most terrible thing to happen to mankind
Deficits under Obama= the best thing to happen to mankind
I dont recall any one saying the Obama deficits are "the best thing to happen to mankind"
I do think many believe that the deficits are a necessary burden to fix an economy that was on the verge of collapse.
As opposed to deficits resulting from tax cuts that benefited the top 1% more than all other taxpayers combined and a war that benefited no Americans.
Patriot Act under Bush= the most terrible breach of human rights in history
Patriot Act under Obama= oh well he needs this to keep us safe
Many Democrats still oppose the Patriot Act.
Wire tapping under Bush= OMG the gall of this man
Wire tapping under Obama= its a wonderful thing, we need to do it to stay safe
This has to be the most comical comparsion
Bush authorized warrentless wiretaps of Americans by circumventing the law, without FISA court approval, and keeping it totally secret from Congress.
Obama supported the FISA amendments (many Democrats did not) that reaffirm the requirement to have FISA court approval and provisions to inform Congress on a regular basis in accordance with its oversight responsibilities.
Dissent to Bush policy= the most patriotic thing to do
Dissent under Obama= you racist bigotted muther pucker SoB how dare you question the Messiah
The fact that you still feel the need to refer to Obama as "The Messiah" and the fact that you see nothing racist in the "birthers" says it all.
Try to keep it real if you want to make comparisons.