Gentlemenly Advances...
So, Ladies, I was having a discussion and it came up of how a Lady, such as ourselves, prefers to have a Gentleman indicate his interest in a member of the fairer sex...
To avoid the whole Winnie Cooper "Do you 'like-him like him?" or "do you just like him, like him?" question, what has worked for you in the past or what would you like to see in the future? This goes for the "taken" ladies as well... what does your man (or woman) do that reminds you that you're important to him/her?
Not Worked:
~"Hey baby, is that a bottle of Windex in your pants, 'cause I can sure see me in them."
~Flowers. Nice gesture, but they die. I like plants.
~"Um, if you're waiting for The One, I'm not him, but if you wanna fuck...?" (seriously, this was the short Italian-straight-off-the-boat dude)
~The whole smelling my underwear thing... the clean ones in the drawer, but still. NOT COOL.
~Conversation, actually. About something I was interested in and had mentioned, so he looked up more information so we could discuss it.
~Coffee. I love it. And he went out and found some that he thought I'd like.
~A camera, a crockpot... he paid attention to things that I enjoyed doing and wanted me to keep at it.
~A little note every once-in-a-while, when he was thinking of me.
Would work in the future:
~I love those weird postcards from off beat stores, like the trailer park signs and stuff.
~Just a note to say hi. I like to get things in the mail.
~Buy me a drink. Pay attention to what I'm drinking and offer to buy me one. And let me buy you one as well if I so choose.
So, let's hear it.... what could He do to let You know he's interested or still interested?
Here's how life works: you either get to ask for an apology or you get to shoot people. Not both. House
Originally Posted by Plan9
Just realize that you're armed with smart but heavily outnumbered.
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. Ayn Rand