Originally Posted by aceventura3
What in your view makes it racist? Oh, never mind - I get it - Obama is half black, so any "movement" against him is racism.
Hey, did you hear the Feds are increasing the deficit projection to $9 trillion. Those "birthers" - are they changing the political dynamics of that issue? And, before you respond with it - I was against the deficits under Bush too, the only difference is that the deficits under Bush were within historical norms in terms of % of GDP.
{added} Were the vast right wing conspiracy "movement"s against Bill Clinton racism too? By some he was considered our first "black" President. Or, could it be conservatives, of all kinds, just don't like liberals?
{added}.......... News flash......News Flash......"Birthers" don't think Arnold Schwarzenegger qualifies to be President. They clearly have a bias against former steroid users, according to Obama supporters........
Are you really this dense or are you just trolling at this point?
What the fuck do the deficits or any other problem with the Obama administration have to do with the "birther" made up controversy?
Who said anything about any movement against Obama being racist?
Now, there is absolutely no doubt that the whole birth certificate "controversy" is racially motivated.