ground hornet? you mean
Yellow Jackets?
i dont know about other places, but here in the south east those things can be vicious. when i lived in central florida a neighbor of mine dismounted his tractor only to fall into a yellow jacket next. those nasty little things actually KILLED him. thousands upon thousands of stings.
personally, i'd buy and super insecticide, a few wasp traps, or call a professional.
edit: i took this off of (awesome)
Originally Posted by site
The do-it-yourself wasp trap is perhaps one of the most effective traps your money doesn't need to buy. All you'll need is an empty 2-liter bottle, a scissors, and some sugar water or fruit juice.
Cut the cone off about 1/3 of the way down from the top of the bottle, flip it over, and staple it into place so that it looks like a minnow trap. Then, fill the bottle with fruit juice concentrate or sugar water with a little soap, and hang it from an awning or in your garden if you prefer.
This sort of trap doesn't just trap wasps and yellow jackets, you may also catch flies and bees, or other beneficial insects. So, it might be in your interest to find a yellow jacket trap made for the species of wasp that's the most common in your area.
Pouring boiling water or just soap water into the entrance of a yellow jacket nest is one way of killing yellow jackets and rendering their nest uninhabitable. Of course, this particular tactic should be done during the late evening, and measures should be taken to cover the skin in case the colony is feeling particularly blood thirsty that evening. If you're going to use soap water, why not do it with some organic dish soap like Seventh Generation makes. Sure, you'll still be the Tamerlane of the wasp world, but at least you'll be remembered as the environmentally friendly murderer of wasps.