Originally Posted by lostgirl
That is a beautiful garden. I love your first photo of the monarch. Doing well for a beginner I would say.
Thats why I can't wait to get a DSLR camera in November....
This looks like the kind of garden I could get lost in for hours - what a delight. Thank you for sharing your pretty images!
Since you asked for some criticism, here's some:
The second image is a bit confusing - it's difficult to tell what you're trying to capture. Yes, it's a butterfly eating, but what makes it stand apart from the first picture? It's closer, but the only part that seems more defined is the detail of the wing. But this detail doesn't seem to be the subject. You may want to think more about what precisely should be the most defined part of your image and where that is. You want to draw the viewer in and capture their attention by keeping their eyes bumping around the image.
Thanks for the critique, I guess I was just trying to get as close as I could on the butterfly, an extreme closeup persay, but I didn't realize I had a better pic before it, the monarch flew away shortly after the second one was took, they are hard little buggers to shoot....lol.