I have been reading this tread with interest. In the second reply it is asserted that men that "can't look past a few extra pounds" are "hopelessly shallow". Wouldn't then men who can't look past a bony ribcage also be hopelessly shallow? Or for that matter, those who exclude any "type" for a sexual encounter? The OP didn't strike me as asking about friends, but about what turns us on. I can be friends with anybody, but I don't want to fuck everybody. I mean, my parents (in their 70's) have great friends that are single, and I enjoy them thoroughly, but I don't want to sleep with them, and that doesn't make me shallow.
If you know what puts lead in your pencil (or whatever), and you're honest with yourself about it, it's really nobody's business unless you make it so. If someone has no problem getting laid, what do they care if there are people in the world that don't find them attractive as sex partners? Obviously from the posts here, there are plenty of people with varying tastes to take care of everyone.