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Old 08-22-2009, 12:40 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Location: Indiana
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan View Post
The issue is not the "right" of access to healthcare.

The issue is whether someone has the "right" to rob other people at gunpoint to -pay for- that healthcare.

My answer is no. I don't care what someone does with my stolen time/money, simply that they have stolen it. Robbery is wrong, period. Blackmail is wrong, period. Extortion is wrong, period.

I see no room for discussion here.
I consider myself a constitutionalist I suppose, and I've heard this angle before. When you break issues down like this it does come down to whether or not someone should be held at gun point to follow along. As that is the last possible outcome if you resist.

It's easier when it's not you personally doing the gun pointing, but the conclusion is still the same. What government services should be provided at the point of a gun?

Healthcare? I think not. I couldn't do it personally or through a surrogate.
It's time for the president to hand over his nobel peace prize.
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