Jeebus! Did someone say Kidman doesn't have any skillz (Quick scan of the thread, nope. Good.

) Phew! Thought I missed something.
J-Dubs - Womens wrestling could be better if there were more femme wrestlers on the roster.
Mario - Thanks again for clearing up Jim
Cornet for me.
I haven't been to any live events. I'd do house shows, but I'm too cheap to pay the 20-50 dollars to see a show.
rockzilla - Demolition!! What the heck ever happened to Smash? I think he did WCW for a bit as a non-Demolition wrestler. I'm pretty sure Crush was part of Demolition when you saw the show, but heres a question.
"Who was the previous member of Demolition before Crush showed up?"
Theres a cookie for the one who gets it right.
Foley!! Foley!! Foley!! Foley!! Foley!! Thats all, nuff said.