Originally Posted by Crompsin
Yeah, we still do that for competition and testing. Sure, it's good to toughen up your feet, but it's bad to damage them to the point where you're limping around when you fight the next day. Fight smarter, not harder. You can toughen up your feet with katas and bag drills... don't try to toughen 'em up in the ring... that's the wrong place to multitask. I also never have any embarrassing high-kick-heel-slide-ass-plants when I wear these rubber toe sock thingamajigs... something that happens occasionally when I spar barefoot with those way-too-slippery Century pads. Fall-down go-boom.
So do socks, I suppose. Stop playing by the rules!
We didn't do many headkicks during kumite. Too many fucking kids. Man...I remember some katas, like saipha (probably didn't spell that right), took some getting used to as far as calluses go. I remember once I kicked at a kid during promotion; I lost my balance, but I managed to not embarrass myself by turning it into a suicide throw.
Free will lies not in the ability to craft your own fate, but in not knowing what your fate is. --Me
"I have just returned from visting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world." --Douglas MacArthur