This thread outright angers me. I'm sorry. If I showed you a picture of a ghost right now, you'd say it was photoshopped. 50 years ago there was no photoshop, but there were other ways.
The bottom line is, there will always be enough skepticism and enough ambiguity. I mean, really... you have people on drugs who report ghosts. So say for every 1 real ghost (hypothetically), you get 10 people who report fake ones and it gets disproved, or they are on drugs. Really casts doubt on the whole thing, obviously and necessarily.
It doesn't matter how many people there are. In fact, it only makes it worse.
Originally Posted by Lasereth
I have some more questions!
1. There are 7,000,000,000 people on this planet. A frightening amount of them will admit to having had a paranormal experience in their life, many saying they've actually seen a ghost or apparition or something of that manner. Ok, so if we have a pretty large sample size (say, in the billions) of people who believe in haunted houses and ghosts and stuff, why can't 1 of them show us an example? Think about it. You grow up hearing ghost stories and haunted houses and native american burial grounds. People who used to live in a house where someone died. Someone was walking through a graveyard and saw a ghost.
Ok ok ok. I know most people believe this stuff, but why can't one single damned person show us? No one can take me to a ghost right now. No one can take me to a haunted house. No one can show me how their candle moved 2 inches overnight. Why? If paranormal events are real, if ghosts are real, if spirits and apparitions really exist, why can't it be proven? Why aren't scientists knee deep in experiments and research parties at haunted houses? Why aren't we spending money on finding out why there's ghosts roaming graveyards? It's because when it's time to put the money where the mouth is, nothing is there. Can someone clear this up?
Also, I will secretly hate you if you give the "you can't have a paranormal experience unless you WANT to have a paranormal experience" bullshit answer.