if you were being officially reprimanded, trust me you'd know it.
That, and the yellow tags that accompany the official warnings would be a good indicator. so dont get you're knickers in a knot over my distaste in your humour. sure, i thought it sucked, but im entitled to that right.
like i said, you're question had merit, but if it worded the right way, we wouldnt be having this conversation. that is all.
Originally Posted by mrklixx
What if Allah suddenly heals his good and faithful servant (does Allah even "do" healing)? Does that mean that he is still free to go about his merry way?
what didnt i like about the post?
this case has been going on for how long now? and to date, there been not one shred of evidence to prove that this act of terror was done in the name of religion.
it just so happens to be that this guy is Libyan, and going by his name, a muslim. Heck, i dont see christianity dragged into the scene because Hitler was a christian.
so to answer your question, no he wasnt doing it for the will of Allah. maybe the will of his superiors, his country, maybe he's mental, maybe he's not muslim, maybe he's a secular muslim, maybe he's innocent! it could be anything. but lets not drag religion into it and create a smokescreen when it doesnt belong. im happy to debate religion elsewhere.