Either my brother or one of a few TFPers who are friends on Facebook would let you all know. You could all pretend to be sad, then forget about me. It's OK though, I plan to live long enough that they invent immortality.
It wouldn't work here, but Something Awful has had goon deaths from time to time, and it's usually a friend or spouse letting us know, sort of a public eulogy of people remembering them, then since account sharing isn't allowed and the site is built on irreverent humor, their account is given a special Perma-Banned avatar (as opposed to regular bans, which can be lifted for another $10 registration fee) declaring them Perma-Dead.
I would hope that my account would be kept active with an avatar and title informing people I'm dead so my brother and maybe World's King and a few staff members could log in from time to time and make snarky comments at people who post stupid threads like "I fingered my girlfriend, is she pregnant?" Getting told off is one thing, getting told off by someone who's dead is much more memorable.