Originally Posted by mrklixx
What if Allah suddenly heals his good and faithful servant (does Allah even "do" healing)? Does that mean that he is still free to go about his merry way?
I think that's a very legitimate question for a discussion board.
Who knows for sure he only has 3 months to live? Prostate Cancer is one of the slowest to kill its victims. That's why it is rarely treated aggressively in the elderly - something else usually kills them first. And many cancer patients go into remissions that can't be explained by their doctor. That being said, I'm sure it's metastasized to every organ in his body by now if they're sure enough to let him out of prison.
In any case, now that he's landed in Libya, his fate will never be truly known. Sure - there will be a press release soon saying he died, but will it ever be beyond doubt? Hell - I don't even believe Kenny Boy Lay is really dead.
Even if the comment was dripping with sarcasm, it's hardly the first one in all these years of TFP. Which part of it did you find so offensive,