Originally Posted by FelixP
What do you guys think? Am I the only one here who's ever really thought about this? Kind of a wierd thought, I know, but one I feel deserves some contemplation nonetheless.
Nope, your not weird or alone. I've got a list I update every so often of places I want my wife to notify and accounts to close.
Originally Posted by Psycho Dad
I've been on a couple of other boards where widows have come on and posted on their dead husband's accounts that their husband is dead.
The thread gets made sticky, everyone posts how they will miss the poster, even the people who thought he was a douche bag. People just act nice pretty much like IRL.
The method I use for this situation is open a new thread, post the details then politely ask that there be no comments and pm a mod to lock the thread. Then I delete the account to prevent it from be used by any unscrupulous person.