Nothing grosses me out. I watched 2girls1cup, BME pain olympics, etc. Sure I cringed, but it's not like I gagged. I have eaten live insects in the woods, drank lake water when I could see live clams just inches below the surface, held every manner of worm, grub and larvae (I am an entomologist) and many, many live roaches, scorpions, and today even a live, massive wasp. It was dying, that's why I was so brave with it
Anyways, I have pics, if you would like to see the huge wasp. hehe.
I've had shit on me (wife's a vet; animals shit when scared), piss on me, barf...blood. Guts. Hell I ate cookies while I observed a C-section on a bulldog. Dog blood has a strange smell that permeates the room. Cookies were good though, and I was hungry.
I don't think I could eaten rotting flesh. That would most likely gross me out. That's about all I can think of though. As far as literally any day-to-day grossness, nope. Nothing.