Originally Posted by rahl
I just can't understand how a party that is seemingly not in power currently is able to rally such a following, and cause the dems to take out the public option. This seems to be a recurring thread, Democrats backing down even when they have a clear majority. They should be able to pass this and many other pieces of legislation on their agenda.
It's because the Dem's didn't do it Bush administration style. To get this amount of bullshit to pass you have to do it after a huge crisis and promise people that this is the only way to solve it. IE you have to do this after the swine flu kills tens of thousands not introduce it randomly at the beginning of a term. Also, you can't use vague rhetoric to explain a bill that contains over 1500 pages (is that the latest count I don't even know).
I do agree with you, however, that the Dem's backing off seems to be a reoccurring theme. Even now that they have the majority it still feels odd. No backbone at all with these people.
This political backlash in the town hall's does have at least one good outcome. It has forced debate about this bill. No bill this massive should be pushed through as quickly as it was going to happen without discussing it.