If Israel were to kill all the Palestinians, there'd be a lot more stink than if, say, Turkey were to kill all the Kurds, or Congo all the hutsis or tutsis or whatever. It is in the news, and Arabs seem to identify with the poor-oppressed-Palestinians. The evil-oppressive-shouldn't-even-be-there-Jews are another matter altogether, of course, and can be "driven into the sea" without any problem.
One question: why is it, that when Hamas/Jihad blows up some Israelis, everyone goes out of their way to point out that the rest of the Palestinians are innocent, and this is just a small minority; while, if Jews in Israel blow up Palestinians, many (young) Muslims blame all of Israel, or even *all* the Jews worldwide? (One might suggest that Hamas/Jihad have more popular support from the Palestinians than Sharon has from the Jews...)